Filter Risk List

With filtering, you can customize the risk list according to the selected criteria. The Filter icon is located above the upper-right corner of the Risk Register table. 

After the Filter icon is selected, the Filters pop-up window appears.

Risk list can be filtered by the following criteria:

  • Severity—shows risks with the selected severity (Critical, High, Medium, Low, Informational) assigned.
  • Status—shows risks with the selected status (Identified, In Review, In Progress, Accepted, Remediated). 
  • Response—shows risks with the selected response (Transfer, Mitigate, Deferred). 
  • Category—shows risks with the selected category from the dropdown list.
  • Risk Environment—shows risks with the selected risk environment from the dropdown list.
  • Last Reviewed—shows risks that were reviewed within the selected date range (All, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, Not Reviewed).
  • Assignment—shows risks assigned to another user by you (By me), risks that are not assigned (Unassigned), or risks that are assigned to a particular user.
  • Source—shows the risk source (Manual).

To filter risk list

  1. Select the Filter icon.
  2. In the Filters pop-up window, select the checkboxes near the needed options. You can select several filters at a time.
  3. Select the Apply button.

Related Topics 

Risk Register Tab

Search Risk

View Risk Details

Download Risk Information

Add Item to the Risk Register

Edit Risk

Delete Risk

Assign Risk