Add Item to the Risk Register

On the Risk Register tab, you can add a new risk to the table.

To create a new risk

  1. Select the Add Item to the Risk Register button.
  2. Select the Status of the risk (Identified, In Review, In Progress, Accepted, or Remediated).
    Add Item to the Risk Register button
  3. Select the Severity of the risk (Critical, High, Medium, Low, or Informational).
  4. Enter the name and the description of the risk.
  5. Select the Source of the risk.
    • Note: If a user adds risk manually, the source of this risk can only be Manual.
  6. In the Category menu, select the needed risk category.
  7. Select the Risk Environment.
  8. You can also add Assignee, Notes and Attachments (maximum 5, the file size should not exceed 10MB).
  9. Select the Save button.

Related Topics 

Risk Register Tab

Search Risk

Filter Risk List

View Risk Details

Download Risk Information

Edit Risk

Delete Risk

Assign Risk

Mark Risk as Remediated