Hosts Tab

The Hosts tab shows the table with the information about the hosts affected by the vulnerabilities in the selected scan group.
Hosts Tab

On the Hosts tab, you can:

  • Select the Internal or the External tab. Depending on the selected tab, you will see the data gathered as a result of the internal (on the Fortified’s scanners installed on a client side) or external (client’s scanners from third-party vendors) scans correspondingly.
  • Select the needed scan group in the Show hosts for field (see Select Scan Group). 
  • Find a host (see Search Hosts).
  • Download information about all hosts from the table at once by selecting the Download icon.
  • Filter the hosts list (see Filter Hosts List).
  • View the list of hosts in the Hosts Table.

Related Topics

VTM Page

Vulnerabilities Tab

Vulnerabilities Table

View Host Details

Download Hosts Information