Accepted Risks Tab

The Accepted Risks tab shows the table with the information about accepted risk items. It contains the following columns:

Accepted Risks Tab

  • ID—shows a unique identification number of the risk.
  • Severity—shows a categorization of the risk.
  • Risk Name—shows the name of the risk.
  • Description—shows the information that describes the risk.
  • Category—shows the information about the category of the risk.
  • Assigned to—shows a user who was assigned to work on the risk.
  • Risk Environment—shows the environment where the risk was detected.
  • Last Reviewed on—shows the date and time when the risk was last reviewed.
  • Actions—shows the available actions you can perform such as:
    • View Details—view the details of the risk (see the View Risk Details).
    • Download—select the risk to download it (see the Download Risk Information).
    • Edit—edit the selected risk (see the Edit Risk).
    • Remove—delete the risk (see the Delete Risk).
    • Assign—assign the risk to a particular user (see the Assign Risk).
    • Unaccept risk—cancel the acceptance of the risk.
    • Mark as remediated—mark the risk as remediated (see the Mark Risk as Remediated).
    • Comment—add a comment to a risk.

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