User Management Page

The User Management page shows general information about all registered FORTIFIED CENTRAL COMMAND users within your organization. 

On the User Management page, you can:

  • Search users.
  • View the User Management table.
  • Reset Password of a selected user.
  • Create a new user.
  • Filter the user list. 
    User Management table

In the User Management table, the information is grouped into the following columns:

  • First Name—shows the first name of a user.
  • Last Name—shows the last name of a user.
  • Role—shows a role assigned to a user.
  • Email—shows the email associated with the username.
  • Registration status—shows if a user account is in:
    • Active status—is assigned to all active users of Fortified Central Command.
    • Pending status—is assigned to users before their first login (see Log in for the First Time).
    • Requires Email Verification status—is assigned to the users who need to verify the email after it was changed (see Log in (Password is Reset by a Fortified User)).
    • Inactive status—is assigned to deactivated users.
  • Actions—shows two icons with which you can:
    • Edit user account data (the Edit icon).
    • Deactivate a user account (the Deactivate User icon).
    • Note: The information in the First Name, Last Name, Role, Email, and Registration Status, columns can be sorted by selecting the Arrow icon near a column name. To see the icon, hover over a column name.

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