Risk Metrics

The Risk Metrics consists of the following charts:

Risk Metrics

  • Total Open Risks—a risk is considered open if its status is either "Identified", "In Review", or "In Progress". This chart shows the total number of open risks and the percentage of change compared to the previous quarter. It also breaks down how many risks are currently in each status and what percentage of the total number of risks that makes up as represented by the outer ring.
    • Note: Hover over the status chart to see the percentage of change compared to the previous quarter.
  • Number of Accepted Risks—this chart shows the number of risks that are currently in the "Accepted" status, as well as the percentage this number makes up of the total risks as represented by the outer ring.
  • Remediated by Response—when a risk is remediated, it can be assigned one of three responses: "Mitigated", "Transferred" or "Deferred". This chart shows how many risks have been closed with each response and what percentage this number represents of the total remediated risks as represented by the outer ring.

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