SIEM Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab displays the following metrics:
SIEM Dashboard Tab

  • Total Alarms—total number of alarms.
  • Escalated Alarms—total number of escalated alarms.
  • Escalated Alarms by Severitya breakdown by severity of the escalated alarms in the last 30 days.
  • Escalated Alarms Funnel—alarms and events for last 30 days compared to previous month.
  • Alarms by Intent—breakdown of alarms by Intent Category.
  • Alarms by Method—breakdown of alarms by Method Category.
  • Alarms & Events Trend—trending chart for events ingested, total alarms generated and unsuppressed alarms.
  • Top 10 Escalated Alarms—top 10 escalated alarms for the last 30 days, sorted by priority.
  • Note: To get the data from the SIEM dashboard in .pdf format, in the upper-left corner of the page, select the Generate report button. You will get the notification once the report is available for you to download.

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